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Driving Forward: China EV Group’s Comprehensive Strategy for European Market

With the recent trend of the EV market in Europe growing exponentially, China EV Group have announced several strategic initiatives to place ourselves at the very forefront in this ever-growing and exciting market. With this, we are excited to announce our latest venture, Arcfox EU, a joint venture marking significant milestone in our European expansion strategy. With an established office in Frankfurt, Germany and plans to setup another office in Italy. These offices will serve as the European headquarters for the brand, providing a central hub for operations and customer support, further strengthening Arcfox's presence in the region. 

Port of Entry in Ferrol, Spain

With the successful launching ceremony of the Arcfox series in Spain on the 9th May. China EV Group have shown continued efforts to streamline operations and improve logistics by collaborating with the Port of Ferrol to establish a port of entry for the Arcfox series,  acting as a critical entry point for our vehicles, ensuring efficient distribution and delivery across Europe.

Plans for a KD Factory in Europe

We are also excited to reveal that there are ongoing discussions to setup a KD factory in Europe. This factory will play a pivotal role in assembling our vehicles closer to our European customers, reducing lead times and enhancing our ability to meet the growing demand for our products in the region.

Collaboration with European Distributors

China EV Group is dedicated to building strong relationships with distributors across Europe. With already established partnerships in Italy, Germany, Spain, and Hungary, China EV Group look to new opportunities to expand our network to the Nordics, the UK, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as the Middle East and Southeast Asia.


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